What is Illuminated Parenting?
Posted October 1st, 2013 at 8:30 amNo Comments Yet
Illuminated Parenting is a multi-faceted program where parents can find answers to common parenting questions as well as a variety of parenting tools. We also provide the opportunity to look at parenting from a new point of view, the viewpoint of our inner world and the stories we tell ourselves. Illuminated Parenting looks at what beliefs we teach our children about themselves, the world around them, and how the world works.
The Illuminated Parent understands life beliefs are created in our childhood by our circumstances, our experiences, and what we are taught by our families, communities and culture. These stories are generally unconscious as we grow older, and therefore appear to be facts in the fabric of life.
Living in the dark is when you believe you are a victim to your story and what you see around you is the story that can’t be escaped. Enlightened, or illuminated, living is when the story is seen as malleable and changeable to a better and better story. To uncover the story, you can access and learn from emotions, thoughts, beliefs, dreams, and the body itself because all of these facets are messengers or pointers to the story. When the story is made conscious, decisions can be made for a better story that eventually leads to greater inner peace and successful living.
The Illuminated Parent understands that their children are creating their stories now. Therefore, Illuminated Parents think carefully about what story they want to teach their children. There are ways to mold the story into one of optimism and love or into negativity and fear. Teaching your child how to use the tools to understand the story and create the positive story is what the Illuminated Parenting program is about.
Come with me on a journey, thinking about the world in a new way. A way that will feel good to pass on from generation to generation.
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