Online Classes
Check back in for our 2024 Class Schedule! All classes may be taken as often as you wish. There is an opportunity in each class to have time to ask questions and get detailed suggestions regarding your particular issues.
Please contact Melinda directly if you would like more information or to set up a private session.
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Class Topics
Illuminated Living: One to One
Max Participants: Individual/Couple Cost: $110.00 Time: 45 min
Discount Quantity Pricing: 4 Classes for $380
Sometimes we know something intellectually or emotionally but have yet to really make the change we want. Whether it’s letting go of old issues, stuck emotions or inability to achieve our goals, it can seem impossible to move forward. Energy Psychology or Energy Methods (EM) also known as ‘Tapping’ is an excellent way to release blocked or stuck patterns and finally realize your goals and dreams.
Class via phone or Skype. Contact Melinda directly at MelindaMoatsPLLC@gmail.com to set up an appointment.
Illuminated Parenting: One to One
Max Participants: Individual/Couple Cost: $110.00 Time: 45 min
Discount Quantity Pricing: 4 Classes for $380
Personalized one to one time to resolve your specific family issues. Class via phone or Skype. Contact Melinda directly at MelindaMoatsPLLC@gmail.com to set up an appointment. Topic options:
- 5 Steps to a Happier Family
- Think Out
- Stories We Tell Ourselves
- Energy of Parenting
- Values
Parenting Day by Day: Forum
Max Participants: 25 Cost: $7.00 Time: 30 min
A place for open discussion and exchange of ideas regarding Illuminated Parenting.
Parenting Day by Day: Consultation
Max Participants: Individual/Couple Cost: Free Time: 15 min
Opportunity to talk with Melinda Moats about how your specific issues may be solved and what services best meet your needs. Easily talk via phone or Skype. To set an appointment email your available times to MelindaMoatsPLLC@gmail.com
Parenting Day by Day: Five Steps to a Happier Family
Max Participants: 25 Cost: $37.00 Time: 45 min
Parenting is Thoughtful and Proactive. Follow these 5 steps:
- Observe
- Create a Plan
- Try Out Plan
- Review Plan and Revise if Necessary
- Energy plan, ie balance, stress awareness
Parenting Day by Day: Small Group
Max Participants: 8 Cost: $77.00 Time: 90 min
Small group exploration of Illuminated Parenting, including:
- 5 Steps
- Think Out
- Stories We Tell Ourselves
Illuminated Parenting: The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Max Participants: 25 Cost: $37.00 Time: 45 min
What do you teach your children about life and how it works? What beliefs do you want to teach to your children?
- What are your beliefs about life? (River Ride)
- What did you learn growing up? Is it true?
- What do you want to teach your children about life?
- What are your values?
- What Story would you like to pass on?
The Think Out
Max participants: 25 Cost: $37.00 Time: 45 min
Discipline is a teaching tool emerging from love and compassion.
- What problem are you trying to solve?
- Consequences that are meaningful
- Family Meeting
- Consistent follow through
The Energy of Parenting
Max Participants: 25 Cost: $37.00 Time: 45 min
Release long standing patterns to move forward on goals.
- We know what we want to change intellectually and maybe even emotionally but feel at a loss to make it a reality.
- Identifying blocking beliefs
- EFT for removing those blocking beliefs.
Parenting Day by Day: Tapping to Reach Your Goals
Max Participants: 4 Cost: $77 Time: 60 min
- Clearly defining your goals
- Grounding goals in your values
- Lining up with your life’s purpose
- Identify limiting beliefs
- Learm EFT for removing limiting beliefs and installing the positive.
The Lost Art of Citizenship
Max Participants: 25 Cost: $37.00 Time: 45 min
What does it mean to be a good citizen in the 21st century?
- What are your beliefs about community?
- What is civic duty in today’s world?
- What values do you want to pass on? Go ‘back’ to old values?
River Rat or Rafting Buddy: Benefits of Sibling Rivalry
Max Participants: 25 Cost: $37.00 Time: 45 min
- How to make the best of sibling rivalry
- Lessons of teamwork, leadership and character
- Family meetings to teach B and resolve conflicts
Propaganda Proof Your Child
Max Participants: 25 Cost: $37.00 Time: 45 min
How do you manage the outer influences such as media, peer pressure and commercialism?
- What is the media today?
- How to minimize negative impact
- Critical thinking leads to independent decision making.
Parenting Day by Day: The Art of Living
Max Participants: 8 Cost: $77 Time: 60 min
Teach how to deal with fear, resistance, avoidance and self-distraction.
- Removing the need for excessive TV, food, computer, and video games.
- Teach allowing vs. controlling
- What is power?
- Present moment awareness
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The information contained on this website, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, and other materials, is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. The information presented on this website is not intended to create, and does not constitute any professional relationship between Melinda Moats and the reader and should not be relied upon as medical, psychological, coaching, or other professional advice of any kind or nature whatsoever. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using any such material contained herein for any particular purpose or issue. While all materials, links, and other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of any product, website, or other professional service.
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“Parenting Day by Day” and “Day by Day Seminars” are trademarks of Melinda Moats and may only be used with written permission.