Participation Agreement
Day By Day Seminars, LLC
Thank you for participating in a Day by Day™ educational seminar.
This seminar is part of a series of educational courses Melinda Moats has developed as tools for successful parenting. Melinda is a parenting educator and coach with more than 16 years of experience teaching parenting classes, 20 years as a Child and Family Therapist and more than 29 years as a parent. She has a Masters in Education in Counseling and is a licensed mental health counselor in the State of Washington. In addition to teaching educational courses, Melinda has worked with families on a wide variety of issues including ADHD, anxiety, depression, and behavior issues.
While Melinda integrates her wide range of education, experience, and skills into each seminar she presents, participation in this seminar is in no way intended as health care. Participation in this seminar does not diagnose nor treat any condition, nor is it a replacement for medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric services, or counseling.
Energy Methods
Through participation in this seminar, you will be introduced to a newly-emerging energy-based family of coaching and self-help methods (the “Energy Methods”). Energy Methods is a collective term used to refer to a variety of alternative and complementary techniques based on the use, modification, and manipulation of energy fields that addresses imbalances within a person’s energy system as well as the energetic influence of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions on the body. The prevailing premise of the Energy Methods is that the flow and balance of the body’s electromagnetic and more subtle energies are important for physical, spiritual, and emotional health, and for fostering well-being. Although the Energy Methods appear to have promising emotional, spiritual, and physical benefits they have yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities and therefore, may be considered experimental. Since The Energy Methods are relatively new healing approaches and the extent of their effectiveness, as well as their its risks and benefits, are not fully known, you agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with using the Energy Methods as part of your participation in the Seminar.
We will take reasonable steps to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all the participants of this seminar. Due to the nature of group activities in which you may voluntarily reveal personal information, however, the privacy and confidentiality of any information you provide cannot be guaranteed.
Any and all documentation, video and audio recordings, and printed materials provided before or during the seminar remain the property of Day By Day Seminars, LLC. Video or audio recording of seminars by participants is not permitted.
Assumption of Risk
You understand that your participation in the Seminar is strictly voluntary, at your own risk, and that you freely choose to participate. In consideration of participating in this seminar, you agree to forever fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Melinda Moats, her heirs, personal representatives, agents, employees, independent contractors, consultants, volunteers, and others associated with the Seminar from any and all claims or liability of whatever kind or nature, and for any damage or injury, including but not limited to, personal, financial, physical, emotional, psychological or otherwise, which you might incur as a result of your voluntary participation in this seminar and any activities associated with this seminar.
You acknowledge that you have been given the opportunity to ask questions regarding any aspect of this Agreement. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have carefully and completely read and fully understand all aspects of this Agreement and you agree to all of the terms and conditions stated herein. Further, you agree that this Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to principles of conflicts of law. You also agree and understand that this Agreement is intended to be a complete unconditional release of liability and assumption of risk to the greatest extent permitted by law and that if any portion hereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance of this Agreement shall continue in full force and affect. This Agreement shall be binding upon you and your heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.
You acknowledge that any information, examples, anecdotes, or testimonials presented during this seminar does not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction of the particular outcome for any individual using such material, methods, or skills. Further, you understand Melinda Moats makes no warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding any outcome for you during or after the Seminar for any particular purpose or issue.
By signing up, you represent that you are an adult under the laws of the state of your residence and you have the legal right to enter into this Agreement. Further, you represent that you are competent and able to understand the nature and consequences of participating in the Seminar.
Thank you!
Melinda Moats, M.Ed. Day By Day Seminars, LLCDisclaimer: By continuing on this website you agree to our Website Disclaimer and Copyright and Trademark information. Please enjoy our website!
Website Disclaimer
The information contained on this website, including ideas, suggestions, techniques, and other materials, is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. The information presented on this website is not intended to create, and does not constitute any professional relationship between Melinda Moats and the reader and should not be relied upon as medical, psychological, coaching, or other professional advice of any kind or nature whatsoever. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using any such material contained herein for any particular purpose or issue. While all materials, links, and other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of any product, website, or other professional service.
By viewing this website the reader agrees to fully release and hold harmless, Melinda Moats, her heirs, personal representatives, agents, employees, independent contractors, consultants, volunteers, and others associated with Day by Day Seminars from any and all claims, liability or loss, of whatsoever kind or nature, incurred directly or indirectly by the reader which may arise at any time out of or in relation to the reader’s use of the website and the information, ideas, suggestions, techniques, and other materials contained herein. If any court of law rules that any part of this Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.
Copyright & Trademark Information
This website contains copyrighted material (all rights reserved). Any unauthorized use of the material on this website is prohibited by federal law. You may not disseminate, modify, copy, in whole or in part, or take action on the information contained herein unless specifically permitted to do so by Melinda Moats.
“Parenting Day by Day” and “Day by Day Seminars” are trademarks of Melinda Moats and may only be used with written permission.