There’s a Tap for That
There are circumstances when we know something intellectually and emotionally but have yet to really make the change we want. Whether it’s letting go of old beliefs, stuck emotions or achieving our goals, it can seem impossible to move forward. Energy Psychology or Energy Methods (EM) is a system developed over the last few decades that uses the Meridian Energy system to release blocked or stuck patterns.
With excellent results, Melinda Moats has used EM for 14 years and is a diplomat in Energy Psychology through the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). Find out more and see the most recent research at ACEP’s website, energypsych.org.
Energy Methods, or what is more commonly known as ‘Tapping’, is used to refer to a variety of alternative and complementary techniques based on the use of energy fields that addresses imbalances within a person’s energy system as well as the energetic influence of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions on the body. EM is a very effective yet gentle method of balancing the body’s energy system.
The prevailing premise of the Energy Methods is that the flow and balance of the body’s electromagnetic and subtle energies are important for physical, spiritual, and emotional health, and for fostering well-being. Energy Methods appear to have promising emotional, spiritual, and physical benefits.
Energy Methods (EM) is a term that covers a variety of meridian tapping techniques such as Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) that help remove stuck emotions, thoughts and negative beliefs.
Benefits of EM
Tapping has been successful in reducing or eliminating anxiety, inability to focus, grief, shame, guilt, anger, phobias, stress and other issues. EM may also help with:
- Anxiety
- Emotional & Mental Aspects of Pain
- Abundance
- Phobias
- Chronic Fatigue
- Self sabotage
- Procrastination
- Weight loss
- Depression
- Getting unstuck
Check under Online Classes for dates and times to learn how to use this technique for yourself, either individually via Skype or in an online class.
How Tapping Works
Energy Methods work by tapping or holding specific energy points on various meridians to more quickly resolve stuck issues. EM can reduce the symptoms of stress, which can contribute to physical issues such as headaches, indigestion and adrenal fatigue. Many people feel stuck to let go of beliefs and habits they know intellectually are not what they want. You can release those old emotions you’ve been carrying around for years. EM may also be helpful to improve your relationships with virtually anyone, to bring more abundance into your life and maybe even to lose weight.
Class Option: Illuminated Living (One to One)
Max Participants: Individual/Couple Cost: $110.00 Time: 45 min
Discount Quantity Pricing: 4 Classes for $380
Sometimes we know something intellectually or emotionally but have yet to really make the change we want. Whether it’s letting go of old issues, stuck emotions or inability to achieve our goals, it can seem impossible to move forward. Energy Psychology or Energy Methods (EM) also known as ‘Tapping’ is an excellent way to release blocked or stuck patterns and finally realize your goals and dreams.
Sign Up Today: Visit Online Classes page to see current classes schedule or contact Melinda Moats directly.
What Experts are Saying
“EFT is at the forefront of the new healing movement.”
– Candace Pert, PhD (Author of Molecules of Emotion)
“EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behavior.”
– Bruce Lipton, PhD (Author of The Biology of Belief)
“EFT is easy, effective, and produces amazing results. I think it should be taught in elementary school.”
– Donna Eden (Co-Author of The Promise of Energy Psychology)
“EFT offers great healing benefits.” – Deepak Chopra, MD
“EFT produces remarkable recoveries.” – Daniel J. Benor, MD, ABIHM
“By removing emotional trauma, EFT helps heal physical symptoms too.”
– Norm Shealy, MD (Author of Soul Medicine)
“EFT is destined to be a top healing tool for the 21st Century.”
– Cheryl Richardson (Author of The Unmistakable Touch of Grace)
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